Veterinary Surgery Service

131 Hospital Drive N.E. Suite 2
Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548



The parathyroid glands are small (1/4 inch diameter), flat glands that play a very important role in maintaining the blood calcium concentration in dogs and cats. Chemical sensors within the parathyroid glands monitor blood calcium levels and if the calcium levels decrease, the glands secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH acts on the kidneys, intestines, and bones to increase the amount of calcium in the bloodstream.

Parathyroid tumors have been reported in many different breeds of dogs and cats. There is no known dietary or environmental cause; in most cases the occurrence seems to be random circumstance. However, certain breeds of dogs appear to be more at risk. A genetic predisposition for parathyroid tumors has been found in Keeshonds. Keeshonds with parathyroid tumors should not be bred.

How much does a Parathyroidectomy cost?

The all inclusive fee is $3,200.00 (may also require histopathology at additional cost)

This includes:

  • Intake Physical Examination
  • Pre-Anesthetic Bloodwork: CBC, full chemistry panel, clotting profile when indicated
  • EKG
  • I.V. Catheter
  • I.V. Fluids
  • Pre-Anesthetic analgesia drugs
  • Anesthesia induction drugs tailored to the individual patient
  • Preoperative imaging (CT scan)
  • Anesthesia Maintenance on isoflurane
  • Anesthesia monitoring by: EKG, CO2 end tidal, O2 saturation, Blood pressure, body temperature
  • Parathyroidectomy Surgery
  • Post-surgical recovery monitoring
  • Hospitalization as required
  • Take home medications
  • Recheck appointments