Veterinary Surgery Service

131 Hospital Drive N.E. Suite 2
Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548



Endoscopy is the use of video instruments to investigate and possibly biopsy certain body cavities. It is a noninvasive procedure which means no surgical incisions are required. For the patient, this means a short anesthetic period with a rapid recovery.

How much does Endoscopy cost?

The all inclusive fee is $700.00 + Biopsy if indicated

This includes:

  • Intake Physical Examination
  • Pre-Anesthetic Bloodwork: CBC, full chemistry panel, clotting profile when indicated
  • EKG
  • I.V. Catheter
  • I.V. Fluids
  • Pre-Anesthetic analgesia drugs
  • Preoperative imaging (radiographs, CT scan)
  • Anesthesia induction drugs tailored to the individual patient
  • Anesthesia Maintenance on isoflurane
  • Anesthesia monitoring by: EKG, CO2 end tidal, O2 saturation, Blood pressure, body temperature
  • Endoscopy Procedure
  • Post-procedure recovery monitoring
